How to setup RaidenWebmail ISAPI on APACHE2

0. First of all, you should have RaidenWebmail and RaidenMAILD installed and add to [RMHI Allow IP List] and enable WebAdmin on 7777 port in raidenmaild.

1. Go to apache official site to download APACHE2.

2. Edit C:\Program files\Apache groups\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf, find # DirectoryIndex, insert below settings (Suppose C:/RaidenWebMail is RaidenWebmail installation directory)

AddHandler isapi-isa .dll
ISAPIFakeAsync on
Alias /webmail/ "C:/RaidenWebMail/bin/"
<Directory "C:/RaidenWebMail/bin/">
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex raidenwebmail.dll



Save httpd.conf, restart APACHE2 and you will have a virtual directory which points to C:\RaidenWebmail\Bin.


4. Configuration done. You can open your browser to http://localhost/webmail/

5. If you can see login page, just input your account and password to login. If you can't login, most of reasons are:

  • Login failed! Webmail can not fetch user data at this time, because of Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused.[3]

It means the WebAdmin of RaidenMAILD is not ready on specific port.

  • Login failed! Webmail can not fetch user data at this time, because of Your ip address is not allowed!

It means you didn't add RaidenWebmail IP to [RMHI Allow IP List], in this case, is the IP you should add.



Thanks for your reading.

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Last update : 2007/10/16

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