雷電MAILD 說明文件

- IM Center -


ICQ / MSNIM Center 是在雷電MAILD 登入 ICQ /  MSN / YAHOO / AIM 來發送即時訊息給使用者的功能. 透過即時訊息可以提供給使用者新信通知, 讀信, 刪信等基本的郵件功能.



ICQ 號碼 / MSN 信箱 / YMSG 帳號 / AIM 帳號



只有當客服中心有開啟新信通知功能時, 有新信通知權限的使用者才能在 WebMail 啟用此功能. 如此一來, 當使用者收到一封新信時, 系統就會發送即時訊息到使用者的 ICQ 或 MSN.

允許 ICQ 簡訊傳送

倘若您的手機業者在 ICQ 簡訊傳送的服務商裡, 您就可以利用系統把特定信件進入到您信箱時, 發送簡訊至您的手機.




Sir, you got a new mail (%Subject%) from %Sender% at %Datetime%. \r\rTo delete this mail:\r[POP] dele %Filename%

%Subject% 為信件標題
%Sender% 為寄件人信箱
%Datetime% 為時間
%Filename% 該信件的檔名
\r 為換行字元



ICQ Center 的指令說明

ICQ 客服中心另外的公用指令是 [HELP]


====< RaidenMAILD ICQ Center >====


1.[POP] command (Mail processing):

(1)Get the recent mail list (Subject, Sender, filename...etc)

syntax: [POP] list

Maximum mail number of returned list is 100.

(2)Read the mail content

syntax: [POP] read <filename>

<filename> is the mail filename which is shown by list command

(3)Delete the mail

syntax: [POP] dele <filename>

<filename> is the mail filename which is shown by list command

2.[GET] command (File processing):

(1)Get the file list

syntax: [GET] list

(2)Get the file content

syntax: [GET] <filename>

<filename> is the filename which is shown by list command

3.Send message to ICQ Center

syntax: <none>, just send message as usual

4. Help

syntax: [HELP]




MSN Center 的指令說明

MSN 客服中心另外的公用指令是 [HELP]


====< RaidenMAILD MSN Center >====


1.[POP] command (Mail processing):

(1)Delete the mail

syntax: [POP] dele <filename>

<filename> is the mail filename which is responsed from MSN CENTER.

2 .Send message to MSN Center

syntax: <none>, just send message as usual

3. Help

syntax: [HELP]









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Copyrights 2010, Team John Long. All rights reserved.

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Copyright © RaidenMAILD TEAM

Copyright (C) 2010, Team John Long, all rights reserved. The copyrighted works contained in this information service shall not be copied, reproduced, varied, altered, modified, adapted, distributed, performed and displayed in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. All trademarks belong to their respective owners .